Riding Bean

Based on the manga (Japanese graphic novels) of the same name, this OAV is set in Chicago and (Original Animation Video) follows the adventures of...

Starring: Hideyuki Tanaka, Naoko Matsui, Mami Koyama, Kei Tomiyama, Megumi Hayashibara, Chieko Honda, Jun Hasumi, Y�saku Yara, Nobuo Tobita, Michitaka Kobayashi, K�z� Shioya, Kazumi Tanaka, J�r�ta Kosugi, Tomoko Maruo, David Arnold
Genre: Action, Animation
Countries: Japan
Directors: Kenichi Sonoda
Release Date: February 26, 1989
Runtime: 46 min
IMDb Rating: Riding Bean (1989) on IMDb

4.00/5 - (10 Votes)

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