The Boston Strangler

Boston is being terrorized by a series of seemingly random murders of women. Based on the true story, the film follows the investigators path through...

Starring: Alex Dreier, Alex Rocco, Almira Sessions, Arthur Hanson, Austin Willis, Carole Shelley, Chuck Hicks, Dana Elcar, David Lewis, Dorothy Blackburn, Edward Winter, Enid Markey, George Fisher, George Furth, George Kennedy, George Tyne, George Voskovec, Greg Benedict, Henry Fonda, Hurd Hatfield, Isabella Hoopes, James Brolin, Janis Young, Jeanne Cooper, Jeff
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Countries: USA
Directors: Richard Fleischer
Release Date: October 16, 1968
Runtime: 116 mins
IMDb Rating: The Boston Strangler (1968) on IMDb

3.67/5 - (3 Votes)

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